Marc SEGUIN The Digital Model of Seguin’s 1825 Suspension Bridge PANEL 5 This structure is remarkable. It is the first large suspension bridge built in continental Europe, following initial tests carried out in the United States and Great Britain. It brings a...
Marc SEGUIN Seguin’s Innovations on the Tournon-Tain Bridge PANEL 4 The foundation of the piers of a bridge in the Rhône was a particularly difficult challenge due to the currents and rapidly variable water levels, even in summer. The choice of the suspension...
Marc SEGUIN Development of the Rhône Bridge Project (1822-1824) PANEL 3 The Cance footbridge was built by Marc Seguin on the Cance, next to their cloth factory, a little upstream from the town of Annonay. The work took place at the beginning of 1822, attested by an...
Marc SEGUIN The context of bridges in the early 1820s PANEL 2 From Lyon to Arles, the Rhône has always been a difficult river to navigate and cross. For a long time, ferries laboriously served this role, and sometimes temporary boat bridges (Beaucaire, Arles). If the...
Marc SEGUIN Marc Seguinand his family PANEL 1 Marc Seguin was born in Annonay in 1786.His Parisian secondary education could not be completed because his father asked him to help in the family cloth business.Having a curious and enterprising mind, he completed his...
Marc SEGUIN Le formidable développement des ponts suspendus PANNEAU 11 Entre 1825 et 1850, plus de 450 ponts suspendus importants sont construits en France. Si une petite partie d’entre eux reste fidèles aux chaînes anglo-saxonnes, la grande majorité est basée sur la...